Monday, February 27, 2017


Hi there. If you've found your way here, it means you might be somewhat like me - looking for a way to get out of the rat race, yet be able to survive in this little sunny island, with a satisfactory standard of living.

While I'm still doing alright in my regular day job, raising 4 kids, a mortgage, and a wife who stays home isn't easy.

We've tried a few methods, like setting up home businesses, getting my wife to write freelance, etc etc. It helps, but the going is still kinda rough.

Investments were probably another avenue to go - but living off a regular dividend yield of say 8% (which is pretty optimistic if you ask me), would require a capital outlay of about S$1.25m in order to achieve a S$100k annual income. Two issues with that. One - getting S$1.25m might take me many many many years, and two, ensuring a consistent 8% yield isn't as simple as ABC. Furthermore, S$100k a year for 5 of us makes our monthly per capita income S$1,700 - manageable, but by no means comfortable.

And so, this is where I found forex, CFDs, and the power of leveraging.

As I read up more and more about this financial instrument that's seemingly shrouded in mystery and jargon, I found my eyes opened to a world I never knew. Every day, I learned new things. And every day, I began earning (and losing).

This blog is then to record my journey towards financial freedom via CFDs, and I hope you find some interesting nuggets here and there too.



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